Friday, January 28, 2011

The downside of technology...

I love the internet. No, no, you don't really seem to get it... I LOVE the internet.

The internet is marvelous. It helps source materials for my lessons, allows me to download music, keeps me up-to-date with the news, shows me how to do stuff (aah google, you rock my world)... It also enables me to keep in contact with the outside world.

Bangladesh, in itself, is what you make of it. I am lucky to be surrounded by lovely people who for one reason or another think I'm cute enough, with a funny enough accent to keep around. Now, while this is true, good etc etc etc, it's not quite the same as being surrounded by people 'back home'.

I hate the internet. I loathe the internet. Honestly, you have no idea...

The internet reminds me that no matter how strong the wireless connection may be, there's no way I can actually BE with people 'back home'. The internet can show me photo's of memories 'back home', and I get to sit and whimper and feel homesick.

I LOVE the internet!!

Skype is an amazing invention which means I can talk to people without paying a cent. I can even see them move (depending on the strength of the connection) and watch as they pull funny faces at me...

I HATE the internet!!

Sometimes skype just isn't what you need. Some days you actually need a real hug from your mum. The internet just doesn't cut it!

On a side note, can you tell I'm home-sick right now??

Dear internet, sorry I'm hating on you right now! Our love affair will continue soon enough! Love Kim xox

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Friday, January 28, 2011

The downside of technology...

I love the internet. No, no, you don't really seem to get it... I LOVE the internet.

The internet is marvelous. It helps source materials for my lessons, allows me to download music, keeps me up-to-date with the news, shows me how to do stuff (aah google, you rock my world)... It also enables me to keep in contact with the outside world.

Bangladesh, in itself, is what you make of it. I am lucky to be surrounded by lovely people who for one reason or another think I'm cute enough, with a funny enough accent to keep around. Now, while this is true, good etc etc etc, it's not quite the same as being surrounded by people 'back home'.

I hate the internet. I loathe the internet. Honestly, you have no idea...

The internet reminds me that no matter how strong the wireless connection may be, there's no way I can actually BE with people 'back home'. The internet can show me photo's of memories 'back home', and I get to sit and whimper and feel homesick.

I LOVE the internet!!

Skype is an amazing invention which means I can talk to people without paying a cent. I can even see them move (depending on the strength of the connection) and watch as they pull funny faces at me...

I HATE the internet!!

Sometimes skype just isn't what you need. Some days you actually need a real hug from your mum. The internet just doesn't cut it!

On a side note, can you tell I'm home-sick right now??

Dear internet, sorry I'm hating on you right now! Our love affair will continue soon enough! Love Kim xox

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